Sunday, October 7, 2018

Money Saving Mondays

I thought it would be a fun idea to do a weekly series with a few tips on saving money. As the title implies, it will be a recurring post on Mondays. I hope to write about things that are going on in that week, like a good sale at a store or a good coupon that is good for that week as well as some more advice.

For the first installment of my weekly posts, I wanted to give everyone a starting point. The very first thing that you need to do in order to start couponing or receiving discounts is to be a rewards member at that store. Many discounts are only offered to rewards members, and not just the general public, so you get exclusive discounts.

Nearly every single store has a rewards member system. When I first started doing this, I was using my mom's account for everything. I do not recommend using another person's account because then they receive the "points" or "rewards" from what you spend. The best thing to do is create a new account and start receiving your own points.

It is always free to sign up to be a rewards member at a store, so you have nothing to lose. You can start out small and sign up only at stores that you shop at often. The places that I would recommend that you start at are Speedway, Kroger, and Martins.

Speedway is a gas station, but they also sell many things inside as well. You have to put gas in your car, but by using the rewards member card each time you get gas, you receive points as well. After a certain number of points, you can get free food and drinks and even discounts on gas. I enjoy this rewards membership, because you have to put gas in your car, so you may as well get some good deals out of it.

Kroger and Martins also have rewards member cards. Many times, these grocery stores offer deals that can only be redeemed by using a rewards member card.

I just went to the Kroger on October 6th, and I got a deal using my Kroger card. Normally, name brand two liters of pop, like Mountain Dew and Pepsi, are $1.67 each. Using my Kroger card, I got these two liters for 88 cents each. I was going to buy the pop anyway, but I got it half off.

So, my advice to you this week is the next time you go to a store, ask if they have a rewards system and sign up for it! You can get exclusive deals and discounts for things that you already buy anyway!

If you like my content, check out Squawkfox. She posts blogs about cooking and lifestyle items as well as saving money and budgeting.

Comment down below and let me know if you already have a rewards card and what kinds of really good deals you got with it! Personally, I was really happy to get name brand pop for half off at Kroger with my card. 

Image Credit: I Heart Planners


  1. There is a Kroger by me with a gas station that is connected with rewards from buying at Kroger. I recently found out that you can accumulate a percentage off of the price of a gallon of gas in conjunction with my purchases at Kroger. Before, I often wondered if the savings is really worth the effort. It turns out that it can be. Thank you for information

  2. Thank you for sharing great information on how to save money at stores. A lot of clothing stores will send a coupon to your email if you sign up. That's another easy way to save money if you don't mind getting a bunch of emails. Also, The Krazy Coupon lady is a great app to see what kind of deals are going on at a ton of different stores. These are great ideas to save money!

  3. Agreed, I was a bit skeptical about reward cards but ever since I got a Walgreen rewards card, it has helped me saved a couple of bucks from the points or the sales. I think people should sign up for reward cards to places they constantly shop at. Also, I favor Krogers than Martins. Martins do not have as many sales and discounts compared to Krogers. Overall, great post!

  4. Thank you for sharing this rewards idea. I never really considered signing up for certain rewards services (even though the cashier asks me often). I do have a Walgreens rewards account, and with each purchase, I accumulate points. Eventually, I can use these points towards my purchases and save money!
